Perinatal Services
Now available through CoPPCAP: Support for new parents struggling with mental health concerns. We have partnered with our expert colleagues in maternal, infant and early childhood mental health to enhance the offerings for CoPPCAP practices when parents of your patients are identified through routine postpartum depression/anxiety screening at well-baby visits. These resources can be accessed through the same number that you call for pediatric patients. We will support you in offering local referrals for treatment, and have a perinatal psychiatrist available for consultation about medications when needed,(i.e. if the mother is also your patient). Additional enhancements to the CoPPCAP website and training offerings are in ongoing development. We welcome this opportunity to support the health and well-being of the families you serve!
Ask to speak with a perinatal specialist during your CoPPCAP consultation
Examples of support we can offer:
Answer questions that pediatric providers may have about psychiatric medications in mothers who are breastfeeding
Access to referrals for caregivers of patients in your practice who are struggling with depression, anxiety or other mental health issues in the first year postpartum
Consultation for integrated behavioral health clinicians in supporting mothers and infants postpartum
Help with implementing screening for perinatal mood and anxiety disorders at well-baby visits for mothers, father and other caregivers (insert AAP reference)
Support and resources for pregnant and postpartum adolescent mothers who are seen in pediatric or family practices
Call CoPPCAP for assistance with the mental health needs of new moms or dads in your practice.
We can also share resources to help implement postpartum depression and anxiety screening at well baby visits during the first year of life in your practice.
Who We Are

Emily Stoddard, LCSW
Perinatal Program Coordinator

Celeste St. John-Larkin, MD
Perinatal Medical Director