Telephone consultation (within 45 minutes of a request) with a child psychiatrist or child psychologist to answer general questions or specific patient-related questions to support assessment and treatment in the primary care setting
Epic asynchronous e-consult answered within 48 hrs.
Payor blind, all providers may seek consultation for any patient in their Colorado practice up to age 25!

Peer Consultation
Education on pediatric mental and behavioral health matters via “Lunch & Learns”, ECHO, & learning collaboratives.
Resources available to participants through our website, www.coppcap.org.
FREE toolkit of screening tools and educational materials provided through our website
Face-to-face consulting
Direct face-to-face or telehealth consultation for patients and families with difficult diagnostic or treatment issues.
This is a 1x only consultation conducted by a board-certified child and adolescent psychiatrist to guide the primary care provider’s treatment and management of the child and family in the primary care setting.
To request a face-to-face consultation, the primary care provider must first be enrolled with CoPPCAP and have a telephone peer consultation with the CoPPCAP team to ensure the referral is suitable for consultation and to inform the CoPPCAP team of assessment tools and historical records needed to ensure a comprehensive consultation.